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Pentalofos and Omalo

πανηγυρης ιερου ναου Γεννησεωσ τησ ΘεοτοκουCelebration of the Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God, Fest der Geburtskirche der Muttergottes in Omalo


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The municipality with two villages

Two small villages on Mount Paikos: Pentalofos and Omalo form one municipality in the district of Paionias Kilkis..



Λογότυπο Πεντάλοφος 8.10.2023
Election of the village council

Municipality of Pentalofos and Omalo

Gemeindezentrum Pentalofos, Bühne renoviert

Gemeindevorstand der Gemeinde Pentalofos und Omalo:

1) Zacharias Digklis, Omalo

2) Andreas Ouzounis, Pentalofos

3) Sofia Terzi, Omalo

Bürgermeister in Goumenissa:

Konstantinos Sionidis

Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

Λογότυπο Πεντάλοφος Renovation and maintenance

Gemeindezentrum Pentalofos, Bühne renoviert
Gemeindezentrum Pentalofos, Bühne renoviert

The church in Pentalofos: Preparatory work before the feast in honor of the patron saints - around the church 'Saint Peter and Paul' in Pentalofos.

Gemeindezentrum Pentalofos, Bühne renoviert

Logo Pentalofos Dance

Pentalofos Municipal Hall

Τοπικοί χοροί στον Πεντάλοφο, Local dances, Einheimische Tänze in Pentalofos

Local dances in Pentalofos

... dancing and learning to dance. More ...

Logo Pentalofos
March 2023
Community hall in Pentalofos

fresh renovated

Gemeindehaus, Pentalofos

Raising the curtain for dancers, celebrations, concerts, community meetings and other spectacles.

The community hall of Pentalofos is located directly on the Platia. more ...

Λογότυπο Πεντάλοφος March 2023

Platia Pentalofos

Platia today

πόσιμου νερού, Trinkwasser

Platia before

Logo Pentalofos Playground Pentalofos

Spielplatz, Problem mit Regenwasser

Draining rainwater

There was water in the playground after rainfall, so that all the soil was soaked. There may have been a problem with the foundations. Together with the municipality's engineers, we gradually took various measures to make the playground usable again. We built a wall around the playground to prevent the water from affecting the yard behind it. We laid pipes at the side that are connected to the main drain so that the playground can now be used again quickly even after heavy rainfall.

Logo Pentalofos Once upon a time ... Water back-up

A resourceful farmer laid an additional pipe from the public watering line directly to his field without permission so that he could open and close the water tap directly on the field as he wished.

One day, he opened the upper valve of the public pipe without permission, so that he was able to irrigate the field wonderfully with his new pipe. When the water had flowed sufficiently, he closed the lower valve.

Unfortunately, he didn't realize that the water would now back up in the pipe and find its way out. But that's what happened.

And the water, which could not flow downwards, now flooded another property in the village.

Not only was all this illegal, it also caused damage to another villager and certainly did not contribute to a good atmosphere.

Logo Pentalofos Bridge repaired

Brücke repariert über dem Tsakarchitsa

Bridge over the Tsakarchitsa stream is being washed away by water

There are a number of problems with the bridge over the Tsakarchitsa stream, which we have only been able to partially rectify so far. The asphalt of the road surface was washed out. With the help of the municipality, we were able to remove the undermining at this point. Unfortunately, the base of the bridge was not checked sufficiently. There is a similar problem here. The stones in the bridge's substructure are also loosened by the flowing water. This can endanger the stability of the bridge.

Brücke repariert über dem TsakarchitsaBrücke repariert über dem TsakarchitsaBrücke repariert über dem Tsakarchitsa
Brücke repariert über dem TsakarchitsaBrücke repariert über dem TsakarchitsaBrücke repariert über dem Tsakarchitsa

Logo Pentalofos March 2023
Drinking water

Quality checked

Drinking water quality

To ensure the quality of drinking water for the municipality of Pentalofos / Omalo

... water, pumps and pipelines will be checked by D.E.Y.A. PAIONIAS on 17.03.2023.

November 2022

Olive harvest, Olivenernte, Συγκομιδή ελιάς, olive harvest
Olivenernte, Συγκομιδή ελιάς, olive harvestOlivenernte, Συγκομιδή ελιάς, olive harvest

Olives in best quality

Autumn is the time: the harvest can begin. There are olives of different varieties. Large black ones are suitable for pickling. The smallest olives belong to the original old varieties and contain an extremely high amount of oil and aromas. They are excellent for producing cold-pressed olive oil. Once you have tasted it, you will never want anything else!

Logo Pentalofos

Here you will find information about future projects in the village, responsibilities and contacts.

Logo Pentalofos Paikos Outdoor

Sport - Leisure - Nature:
The hiking trail from the monastery of Saint Nikodemos to Gola-Tsuka

On Paikos, Auf dem Paikos, PentalofosHiking on  Paikos, Wandern auf dem Paikos, PentalofosHiking on Gola Tsuka, Wanderweg auf dem Gola Tsuka, Pentalofos

In March, with first blossoms and best view

Above the monastery of Saint Nikodemos in Pentalofos, the ascent of Gola Tsuka begins. A mountain of the Paikos.

The hiking trail is marked with small signs or even a colourful rope.

At an altitude of about 1,100 metres, you have a magnificent view as far as Thessaloniki in the south, Mount Olympus in the southwest and the border with Bulgaria in the north.

Hiking tour tip: Mario Rodríguez Terrazas explores the area around Pentalofos on foot and by bicycle.

Further information on offers by Mario R. Terrazas:

  • Short trip to the mountain with friends or family
  • For those who like adventure: outdoor experience with overnight stay in the "wilderness"...

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Pentalofos KilkisViehzucht
Kloster Nikodemus PentalofosGeschützter Weinbau
Pentalofos, Kilkis